We Are Free

This week, we will be singing a new song together. At the time of this blog post, we’re wrapping up our series on the book of Galatians titled “No Other Gospel.” It has been a study rich in foundational gospel truths. Truths that we don’t want to forget as we move on into other studies. Truths that give us great assurance and joy. I have found the best way to implant theological truths into my brain has been through song. Which is why I decided last month that I would write a song rooted in themes from Galatians. The song is called “We Are Free.” You can listen below and follow along with the lyrics. It’s my hope that this song will be an encouragement to the family here at King’s Chapel.



Verse 1:
Why do we add to Your work,
All the things that cannot save?
Striving harder in our toil,
Remembering not, the empty grave

Verse 2:
By your grace alone we stand,
Devoid of our own righteousness.
Washed in Jesus’ atoning blood,
Delivering us from lifelessness

O Rejoice, we are free
Christ has won, the victory
We’re no more, slaves to sin
Glory to God alone, Amen.

Verse 3
May we walk in the truth,
That our life is not our own.
We’ve been crucified with Christ
We are His, and His alone

Verse 4:
Let Christ be known in all we do
May we display gospel love
Your Spirit shaping our new hearts
Tuning them, to things above